Lina Zuccatosta

Title: MD
Position: Chief of the Pulmonary Disease Unit
Organization: Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Ancona
Country: Italy

Specialized in “Respiratory Medicine” at the University Cattolica of Rome, Dr. Zuccatosta is the Director of the Pulmonary Disease Unit of the “Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti “ (Ancona, Italy), since July 2019. Since 1992 she has performed as first operator 18.000 flexible diagnostic bronchoscopies, 800 therapeutic procedures including BLVR (valves, coils, vapor), bronchial thermoplastic, rigid bronchoscopy with laser and stent implantation, bronchial rheoplasty, 1000 percutaneous lung fine needle aspiration, and 1700 medical thoracoscopies. Dr. Zuccatosta is author of 95 scientific papers published in National and International Journals, of which 20 abstracts and 9 chapters in national and international books related to Interventional Pulmonology She has also been invited as a speaker to 180 national and international courses of Interventional Pulmonology, and has been speaker or chairman to 334 National and International Meetings.