Neal Navani

Title: MD
Position: Lead Clinician for the Lung Cancer Services
Organization: NHS University College London Hospitals
Country: UK

Neal Navani qualified in medicine from Cambridge and UCL in 2000 with distinction and several university prizes. He trained in respiratory medicine at the Brompton and Hammersmith Hospitals before winning a Medical Research Council fellowship in 2008 and completing his Ph.D. at UCL in 2011. He has also completed an MSc in clinical trials and biostatistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr. Navani is the lead clinician for the lung cancer services at UCLH, senior clinical lead of the UK National Lung Cancer Audit, and the respiratory representative on the current NICE lung cancer guideline and quality standards. He also chairs the lung cancer board for the North Central and East London Cancer Alliance.

Dr. Navani is also an honorary associate professor at UCL. He is a co-applicant on >£3m of grant funding and holds a Cancer Research UK grant for the early diagnosis of lung cancer. In August 2019, Dr. Navani won a prestigious MRC / NIHR fellowship to research novel predictors of cancer in lung nodules.