Aleš Rozman

Title: Assist. Professor, MD, Ph.D.
Position: Head of Interventional Pulmonology Department
Organization: University Clinic Golnik
Country: Slovenia

Dr. Aleš Rozman is a distinguished Slovenian medical professional renowned for his extensive experience and expertise in the fields of interventional pulmonology and healthcare management. He completed his medical education at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the year 2000. Throughout his career, he held key positions such as Head of the Respiratory Endoscopy Department and Interventional Pulmonology Department at the University Clinic Golnik, as well as the CEO of the same clinic.

With over two decades of active involvement in interventional pulmonology, Aleš Rozman’s primary focus has always been advancing medical knowledge and enhancing patient care. His skillset spans across a broad spectrum, ranging from interventional pulmonology and intensive care to medical oncology. His research contributions encompass interventional pulmonology, lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases, and obstructive lung diseases. Additionally, he has taken on the role of an assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana and is dedicated to mentoring students, PhD candidates, and medical residents. Aleš is also recognized as a distinguished faculty member and a sought-after speaker at international courses and congresses dedicated to bronchology and interventional pulmonology. Aleš’s dedication to the medical community extends beyond his clinical work. He has actively participated in various appointments and boards, serving as the Head of the Slovenian Medical Council for two terms, and as a member of the National Advisory Board for COVID-19. In these roles, he has made significant contributions to important healthcare decisions in Slovenia.