Pulmonology On Air Global Event 2023
🗓 DECEMBER 1st, 2023 | 🕐 08:00-17:30 CET | 🌐 ONLINE | ENGLISH
We are thrilled to invite you back to our Global Event for the second time!
Following the incredible success of our inaugural event, we’re excited to announce the upcoming second Pulmonology on Air Global Event, and we can’t wait to have you join us once again.
Led by Professor Felix Herth from ThoraxKlinik in Heidelberg, Germany, our Global Event will connect 3 continents, 15 hospitals and more than 20 physicians in our mission to create an educational impact with a global footprint.
The Course is complimentary and will be held in English
Why join us?
The Global Event is going to be 8+ hours of live streaming interventional procedures, coming from top IP practitioners around the world.
If you are interested in building your knowledge in lung cryo-biopsies, EBUS, and many more stimulating topics by our ever-growing faculty, don’t forget to sign up!

Scientific Director
Ultrathin bronchoscopy and cryobiopsy in diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions: Another tool in the toolbox
Diagnostic Utility and Safety of Non-Intubated Cryobiopsy Technique Using a Novel Ultrathin Cryobiopsy in Addition to Conventional Biopsy Techniques for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions
Cryobiopsy for Interstitional lung diseases
EBUS-guided mediastinal Cryo-biopsy TBNA
Endobronchial lung volume reduction with valves (IBV)
Peripheral Lung Biopsy with radial EBUS and Navigation Planning
Peripheral bronchoscopy ultra thin scope EBUS TBNA
BLVR and Robotic Assisted Fissure Completion: A Novel therapeutic Option for Patients with Severe Emphysema and Collateral Ventilation
Peripheral lesion management with miniprobe and cryoprobe
Bronchoscopic Thermal Vapor Ablation (BTVA)
Valve treatment for emphysema
Thoracic Surgery Planning with Planning Software
Thoracoscopy with semi-rigid scope
Image-Integrated Robotic Assisted Bronchoscopy (ii-RAB) for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions
Closing Remarks
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With the Non-Conditional Support of
How to register for the virtual event
When you have an account on www.pulmonology.com:
- Click on the “Register Now – Free” button on this page.
- Click on the “Log in” button in the pop-up that will appear.
- Once logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button next to this event and ensure the meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account. Enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.
In case you don’t already have an account on www.pulmonology.com:
- Click on the “Register Now – Free” button on this page.
- Click on the “Sign up” button in the pop up that will appear.
- Complete the Sign up form and verify your free account, through an email sent to you by Endoscopy On Air (check your Inbox and Spam/junk mail).
- Once your account is verified and you are logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button where this meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account and enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.
In case you are not able to sign in to your account, please reset your password by following these steps:
- Enter your email address HERE.
- Check your Inbox (and Junk mail) for a reset password email.
- Follow the steps in the reset password email to create a new password and use it to sign in HERE.
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