Mediastinal cryobiopsy (Cryo-EBUS): SonoTip TopGain Needle Shows Us the Way
π December 14, 2023 | π 16:30-18:00 CET | π ONLINE | π¬π§ ENGLISH
The Course is complimentary and will be held in the English language
Why join us?
This event aims to discuss the significance of Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in diagnosing non-small cell lung cancer and its pivotal role in mediastinal lymph node sampling. EBUS-TBNA is considered the gold standard, replacing mediastinoscopy, and is particularly valuable for diagnosing sarcoidosis. However, challenges arise in accurately diagnosing and subtyping lymphoma, prompting consideration of surgical biopsies in such cases. Technical factors, including needle gauge and on-site evaluation, influence EBUS-TBNA’s success, yet it may still miss granulomas in approximately 20% of sarcoidosis patients.
Advances in needle shapes, such as crown-cut or TBNB needles, aim to enhance diagnostic yield, while discussions about incorporating cryoprobes are ongoing. These technological evolutions mirror changes in endoscopic ultrasound diagnosis. Overall, the text emphasizes the evolving landscape of diagnostic approaches for mediastinal diseases, considering both the advantages and limitations of EBUS-TBNA and emerging technologies like TBNB needles and cryoprobes.
In this webinar, we would like to explain the differences in the needle shapes and methods, and would like to introduce the combination of TBNB and cryobiopsy as a new technique for specific diseases.
The webinar delivers insights into patient cases, offers a live discussion platform for your questions, will provide additional literature and ultimately shares first user experiences about the technique, potential hurdles, learning curve and how to get started.
Professor Jouke Annema was trained as chest physician and obtained his PhD in Leiden University and is professor of Pulmonary Endoscopy at Amsterdam University since 2013. His research aims to contribute to achieve minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic…
Miguel is a specialist in Pulmonology, dedicated to lung cancer and Interventional Pulmonology since 2014. He completed his training in Interventional Pulmonology at the Central University Hospital of Asturias and at Bellvitge UniversityHospital in Barcelona. Nowadays he works in the IP…
Sammy is a consultant physician specialized in respiratory medicine. Currently he is serving as the head of the endoscopy department of St. Elisabeth Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. He was born in Kisumu, Kenya and studied medicine at Victor Babes…
Since 2015, Hector is a pathologist / interventional cytopathologist at Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Spain and works in the pathology department β cytologyand thoracic pathology sections. In 2018, he became Associate professor at the surgery department at Universidad…
From EBUS-TBNA and EBUS-TBNB and potential new ideas
Mediastinal cryobiopsy (Cryo-EBUS): SonoTip TopGain needle shows us the way
Insight on samples obtained with the TBNA, TBNB and Cryo biopsy
Learning curve and early userβs experience
Take-away message
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Find out more about Cryo-Biopsy and the combined approach with a TBNB crown-cut needle & cryo probe:
With non-conditional support of

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